What is inclusive action?
Humanities in Action supports faculty seeking to create new courses or revise existing courses in the service of inclusive teaching and learning, with a particular focus on broadening curricular representation, critically examining pedagogical practices, and engaging debates about curricular decolonization. Academic units may also seek funding under this part of the grant to support broader curricular revision efforts, including hosting visitors or traveling to other institutions to meet with and learn from colleagues elsewhere who are doing important work in these areas.
No matter where you or your department/program/concentration are in the ongoing work of inclusive teaching and learning, Mellon Humanities in Action can support your efforts. You may not even know where exactly to begin. That’s a great reason to reach out for a developmental conversation to see how your goals, even if very general, fit with different areas of the grant. We want to support your work. Please let us help you think about how to connect your goals with the grant and to other relevant campus resources.